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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bento Lunch: World Penguin Day with Penguins fishing bento

On the 25th of April every year, we celebrate World Penguin Day. Nikolai is a big fan of Club Penguin and frequently we are surprised by his sketches of little penguins and his own virtual penguin world he created with a program called Alice.

Note: If you like what I am doing here, I would also love for you to follow my Facebook page since I post more often there with some cute and fun foods which I occasionally find on the web.

In this bento lunch:
  • A couple of penguins catching fish! Penguins are sandwiches shaped with cutter, beaks and feet from the edges of the same cutter and trimmed( colby cheese). Flippers are freehand cut from fruit leather as was fishing line at end of pretzel fishing pole. The "ice" they are standing on is a mozzarella string cheese stick, and the little fish are Pepperidge Farms Goldfish crackers. Hats are food picks and icing eyes.
  • Penguin shaped watermelon slices and seedless red grapes.
  • Organic baby carrots in penguin shaped cup with a penguin pick. Linked to BentoBlogNetwork.com
  • Linked to Lunchbox Dad: Throwback Thursday
Here are the supplies or similar that I used to make and pack this lunch.

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  1. So creative Rina! I love all your details. Memorable bento!

    1. Kathy, thanks so much for your kind comment, you are always so sweet!:)

  2. OMG I LOVE IT!!! Love the fishing Penguins! Sooo cute! :)

    1. Michelle, thanks so much for your kind comment and I am happy to know that you love it!:)

  3. That's so cute!! I missed Penguin day again!

    1. Thanks so much Ming!:)The reason I can remember is because my dad's birthday falls on the same date.

  4. Love the fishing penguins, great idea and so cute!

    1. Thanks so much bentodays, I had fun making this lunch!:)

  5. Love the flippers! Congrats this is Bento of the Week!




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