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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Pizza and Quesadilla bento - Planetbox Rover #716

It's almost Mother's Day and my son and hubby are planning a short get away for us. I thought of going to Disney and I know everyone else will enjoy that also. We are very fortunate to live only a few hours from Disney and going there is always great fun, the only thing we have to watch is that the weather during that weekend is pleasant as well.

These two lunches required some cooking in the mornings but it was not too difficult. The first lunch was Trader Joe's mini pizzas which I baked in the morning. While the pizzas were baking in the oven, I assembled the entire lunch and the finishing touch was the cheese. As soon as it was done, I pulled it out from the oven and added some star shaped smoked Gouda cheese cut-out on the top. I let the pizzas cool for a few minutes before I transferred them to his Planetbox Rover.

Mini pizza bento school lunch, planetbox

In this bento lunch:
  • Main compartment - Mini pizzas topped with star shaped cheese.
  • Upper left - Strawberry slices.
  • Lower left - Annie's homegrown organic bunny crackers and bunny pretzels.
  • Center - Trader Joe's yogurt star
  • Upper right - Sugar snap peas with a star shaped cupcake pick.
This second lunch was quesadiila which I pan fried in the morning. I included my homemade chocolate chip granola bar which is Nikolai's favorite. I'm not a great fan of granola bars but these homemade ones are pretty good. This lunch was also packed in a Planetbox Rover.

Quesadilla bento school lunch, planetbox

In this bento lunch:
  • Main compartment - Ham and cheese quesadilla
  • Upper left - Granola bar and Annie's organic cheddar crackers and pretzels.
  • Lower left -Cucumber slices
  • Center - Trader Joe's yogurt star.
  • Upper right - Orange slices.
Here are the supplies or similar that I used to create and pack these lunches.


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  1. I love quesadilla, both lunches look delicious! I am sure your son enjoyed them!

  2. Both these lunches are so yummy! Wow, was getting hungry reading your description of the pizza prep! :)

    1. Thank you Jean! I get hungry too whenever I look at your lunches, hahah!:)




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