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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

5 Homemade Lunchables and DIY Pizza Lunchables

In this post I will continue to share some lunches which Nikolai had enjoyed last school year and didn't get posted then. There are so many brands and varieties of lunchables these days in stores, their popularity can hardly be questioned. I may have mentioned that we have NEVER bought or tried the store brands ones. It is not that I have anything against those sold in stores, but I just can't justify the price for the small amount of food that you'll get. Packing our own is easy, much less expensive, and we can include the foods that we prefer, and choices are always great. I love packing these lunchable style lunches as it's nice to have a little bit of everything. You can find more lunchables ideas in my previous posts here.

5 Homemade Lunchables and DIY Pizza Lunchables

The DIY Pizzables shown here is the first time I packed this for Nikolai and he loved the concept.

DIY Pizza Lunchables

Bento lunch 1: DIY Pizza lunchables. Main compartment contains whole wheat sandwich thins (you can also use pita if you prefer), nitrate free pepperoni, organic marinara sauce in a leak-proof mini dipper, a spoon and a baran. Top left are shredded mozzarella cheese and top right are organic granola bar cut into half and seedless grapes.

DIY homemade lunchables with nitrate free salami

Bento lunch 2: DIY Homemade Lunchables. Main compartment contains whole wheat crackers, round shaped cheddar cheese which I used my small round shaped cookie cutter for the cut out, organic popcorn and nitrate free salami in a square silicone cup. Sides were organic celery sticks, dip in small container and organic apple slices.

Ham, cheese, crackers lunchables

Bento lunch 3: Main compartment contains slices of cheddar cheese, nitrate free ham roll ups with a music note food pick and whole wheat crackers. Sides were cucumber slices and watermelon chunks with a smaller music note pick.

Mickey Mouse themed lunchables

Bento lunch 4: DIY Homemade lunchables, Mickey Mouse themed. I used my Mickey Mouse fondant cutter for the provolone and cheddar cheese slices on top of some crackers, nitrate free salami, Pirate's booty and seedless grapes. I also included a yogurt cup which is not pictured.This was the day when we were low on groceries.

Luncables with cheese, ham, cheese bread, carrots, apple, grapes

Bento lunch 5: DIY homemade lunchables with nitrate fee honey ham roll ups, cheese stick slices, cheese bread from the store which was so yummy and organic baby carrots in the main compartment. Seedless green grapes and organic apple slices on the top.

All of these easy lunches were packed in our Easylunchboxes container. Easy peasy right?

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